Brewery equipment manufacturers talk about: British Brown Al Brewing

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The British beer culture can be said to have a long history, even during Chairman Xi's visit to the United Kingdom, he would also make a special run to the traditional British pub and Cameron had a cup of IP, today beer equipment manufacturers and we talk about the British brown ale craft brew.

1、Mild English Brown Ale (Dark Mild)

English brown ales all have a significant sweetness, and mild is one of its representatives. The malt sweetness dominates, and the bitterness is more subtle than that of the lighter colored ale, and the alcohol is also lower. It is customary to drink it while it is young, without much hopping and without aging. The local unfiltered and barrel-served version is closer to the prototype of this version.

2、Northern style English Brown Ale (Southern English Brown)

The color can be dark or light, the overall performance is dry, the hop flavor is quite significant, but also can be dominated by the nutty, roasted flavor brought by the malt, occasionally caramel, chocolate flavor, but not to the appearance of roasted flavor. Overall, the English Brown Ale has a richer and more diverse malt flavor profile than the Light Ale, but is still dry on the palate, and shows a richer and richer flavor profile than the Mild Brown Ale.

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